Thursday, March 23, 2006

The immigration solution

1. Anyone with $4000, a clean criminal record, and an absence of communicable disease can come to America and legally accept employment. Anyone.
2. The $4000 is kept as a bond. The person is a "bonded worker". A DNA sample is required.
3. The bond is returned upon exit from the country. It can be used to purchase passage out of America.
4. A request for welfare of any description results in forfeiture of the bond, and expulsion after any emergency is over. Welfare deportations last two years.
5. Any felony conviction, or three misdemeanor convictions results in forfeiture and expulsion.
6. Working in the country without a posted bond is a felony, as is hiring such a person.
7. Children born to workers are not automatically citizens, and must have a separate bond posted. Such children become citizens at age 18 if they have continuously lived in the US, otherwise they become bonded workers.
8. After 20 years, the bond is returned, and the worker becomes eligible to apply for citizenship as a permanent resident.
9. Public education, or use of public facilities available to everyone is not to be considered welfare.

So what would life be like?

1. More Mexicans feeling better about themselves as real, legal participants in America.
2. Far lower demand on emergency medical services without payment.
3. Private charities which would cover most emergency requirements, and selected welfare requests.
4. People bringing in their relatives...but being financially responsible for them.
5. A broader mixture of immigrants from all over the world, but not so diverse on the dole axis.


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