Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Hard core black liberals

I referred to p6 and some of his posters as "hard core black liberals". They take exception, but I did not intend it as a pejorative.

Liberals tend to be defined by their recommendations regarding the economic underclass, and the black underclass in particular.

The crucial question involves "are the underclass being oppressed". Liberals suggest that they are, and more toward the extreme, we find people who feel hostile toward the middle and upper classes (even as some are actually members of such).

Money, by its nature, grants the holder power over other people. Liberals seek to use the force of government to reduce the power that money holds over the economically deprived.

Should p6 or ptcruiser or any other self-described liberal wish an apology based on an explaination that the above doesn't describe them, I'll be pleased to oblige.


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