Monday, April 10, 2006

Gay Rights

I'm a libertarian.

What that means is that I seldom see a need for the government to be involved.

It was easy to sort out the gay rights issue when gay rights meant "get the government out of the bedroom". Sign me up.

But as time passed, the government did get out of the bedroom. And we progressed to an era where "gay rights" meant "get the government to suppress anti-gay activity".

Count me out.

For sure, violence should be punished, and severely. There should be no quarter for thuggery of any kind, and it's the government's job to protect citizens from thuggery.

The essence of anti-gay thought is a claim that "homosexual activity is sinful".

A religious statement. A religious belief. Can't be proven or disproven.

I don't believe that for a moment, but I don't really have any beef with people who do. Any more than I have a beef with someone who disagrees with the rest of my religious analysis. It's a personal thing. Make up your own mind. I don't expect you to take to my religious beliefs seriously, and so long as you don't expect me to take yours seriously, we'll get along just fine.

But I'm not sympathetic to a request that the government force you to not speak your religious mind. If you want to declare homsexuality immoral from the sidewalk, fine by me.


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