Thursday, October 12, 2006

So what, exactly, should moderate Muslims do?

The pope suggests that Muslims are violent.

Muslims protest by murdering a nun.

I have no doubt whatsoever that most Muslims reacted about the way I did. Killing a nun is not the solution to any problem.

Islam is plagued by not having a pope, by having every nut who was born into Islamic culture having legitimate claim to calling himself a Muslim.

But then, so does protestant Christianity. There are some lessons non-violent Islam could learn from modern Christianity, and indeed, Judiaism.

  1. Force a wedge between yourself and the violent ones. Don't be confused, this is your problem, not the observers' problem. The observers see a nun being murdered by Muslims. They see silent Muslims. They draw a connection. That kind of connection is what gets us through life.
  2. Drop separatist symbols. The veil in particular.
  3. Establish women as participants of society. Your relationships at home are your own business, but when you keep women home, that's scary to the rest of us. We want to know Muslim women personally. To talk to them, to understand our shared time on earth.
  4. Create a distinguishing name. The word "reform" has worked for some Jews in a vaguely analogous context, but perhaps "the religion of the crescent". Something which when we look into it, we find leadership saying "we're the peaceful, civilized ones".
  5. Call the police. Nutty Christians don't get far, because even right wing Christians don't want to be associated with them. Christians call the police when they think a member of their church is out committing violent crime.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Let's imaging there are a bunch of people who would like to kill us. Occasionally they succeed on a small scale, but we hold total military command of the situation. However, their successes represent a failure of our responsibility to our own citizens.

Let's consider some action choices:
1. Kill them all.
2. Establish a siege which threatens to starve them if they don't calm down.
3. Establish a siege. Give them plenty of food and water, so that they can feel the pain. Torment them as a punishment for their attempts to kill us.
4. Kill enough of them that they come to understand that if they persist in trying to kill us, they'll all end up dead.

Why anyone would imagine (3) as a sensible choice eludes me.

If you really, really want to make someone hate you, what might you do?

How about, put him in a cage, keep him alive, and poke him with a stick every time he spits at you, which he does every day, for year after year after year.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Suppression of ideas by the media

When I first read of the fact that newspapers had sat on evidence that Mr. Foley was interested in young boys, it occurred to me: Foley is gay, and the newspaper knew it. If Foley had been married, the story would have broken on the spot.

There are some kinds of ideas which the press is very careful not to appear to support.

One of those ideas is that there is a relationship between gay men and pedophilia. Now I don't know if there is such a relationship or not, but I do find it troublesome that even the discussion is suppressed.

I do know there is a relationship between having been molested as a young man (ca 13) and becoming a molester. Male homosexual molestation propogates as a virus, the young man being infected via his first sexual experiences at 13, and in seeking to vicariously re-experience those early, intense experiences, he selfishly seeks to infect others, propogating the virus.

Do such victims also become gay men with high frequency? I don't know, but I don't see any evidence.
Would gay men, having otherwise acquired their gayness, fixate on participating in a 13 year old's early sex life? Again, I see no evidence. Is there a relationship between gays who seek relationships with 16 year olds and those who seek relationships with 12/13 year olds? Again, seems different to me, one inappropriately focused on youth, the other engaged in advancing the homesexual pedophile virus.

However, I realize that I'd have to look real hard to find such evidence, because political correctness seeks to suppress it. Foley, if an example of a broader trend showing real connections between gay men and pedophilia, had easy complicity from the media in suppressing that evidence.