Friday, December 01, 2006


We see terms used in the media from time to time, terms which strongly hint whether we should like something or not, but the hint is political bias. I'll try to add new ones as I see them used.

  1. land reform (positive)
    Land reform is the appropriation of land, by the state. The theory is that the land once belonged to indigenous people, and thus still does. The intent is to "give the land back to the people".

    The net result of land reform is almost always the same. Successful commercial agriculture is replaced by people who occupy the land, but no commercial activity. The indigenous people end up more poor, because the multiple jobs which existed in the commercial agriculture are gone. Further, the government has poisoned the well of investment, by demonstrating that successful operations will be appropriated, golden goose like.

  2. extremist (negative)
    An extremist is a person who advocates strongly conservative or libertarian values. Someone like Tom McClintock in California. Curiously, the term tends to not be used on actual right wing extremists, such Alan Keyes. It's also never used on left wing extremists, such as Barbara Lee. Left wing extremists are portrayed as highly principled.


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