Friday, November 24, 2006

If only they'd....

So we come to the deadliest day since the active war ended.

Sunnis kill 200 odd Shias.

And what's the analysis? "They should stop doing that".

And we should assume they're going to stop doing that? Why? Because it's all we can do?

Doesn't make it likely to happen, and it's really irritating to hear politicians willing to spout such nonsense in public.

A clue: they ain't gonna stop.

There's more Shia than Sunni, and they have the oil. Unlike us, they know how to win a war. You kill enough of the enemy that the survivors feel lucky to remain alive. The Shia are going to do that. The Sunni will fight back until enough of them are dead. Then they lose.

This ending was visible to Bush Sr.


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